
***用英文怎么写 钓捕的句子-***用英文怎么写 钓捕的句子呢

小旺 01-28 18
***用英文怎么写 钓捕的句子-***用英文怎么写 钓捕的句子呢摘要: 鸬鹚捕鱼英文介绍?鸬鹚捕鱼英文介绍?1 鸬鹚捕鱼的英文介绍是"Cormorant fishing"2 Cormorant fishing is a...
  1. 鸬鹚捕鱼英文介绍?


1 鸬鹚***的英文介绍是"Cormorant fishing"
2 Cormorant fishing is a traditional Fishing method in which trained cormorants are used to catch fish. The birds are equipped with a ***all ring around their necks to prevent them from swallowing larger fish. Fishermen control the birds with a leash and allow them to dive into the water to catch fish. Once a fish is caught, the bird returns to the boat and the fisherman retrieves the fish from its beak.
3 Cormorant fishing has a long history and is still practiced in some parts of the world, particularly in Asia. It is not only a method of catching fish, but also a cultural tradition that attracts tourists. The technique relies on the natural hunting instincts of the cormorants and their ability to swim and dive underwater. It is an interesting and unique way of fishing that showcases the close relationship between humans and animals.

捕鱼用英文怎么写 钓捕的句子-捕鱼用英文怎么写 钓捕的句子呢

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